Relevant changes to be compatible with new C compiler.
Fix potential PROTECT errors flagged by rchk.
Included pgtol option in optim control argument to avoid infinite values.
Change primary modeling function name from ordinal.gmifs to ordinalgmifs.
Edited ordinalgmifs-package.Rd to ensure it will be in sync with the rest of the package.
Remove unconditional use of suggests packages from BioConductor and remove example from vignette that depends on Biobase package.
Housekeeping: Fix Rd file that had a duplicated alias.
Added p>n to stopping criteria in ordinal.gmifs function.
Added assumption=NULL parameter which can be changed for forward CR models that use Surv() as the response to 1, 2, or 3. Modified internal functions G, fn.fcr, du.fcr along with ordinalgmifs to fit the four different discrete censored survival models.
Update predict.ordinalgmifs to enable N-fold CV.
Changed ordinal.gmifs to accommodate the rare instance when one predictor exhibits no variability. In the case, if scale=TRUE, an error occurs because the scale function attempts to divide by zero.
Modified plot.ordinalgmifs so users can include their own xlab, ylab, or main title on plots rather than using the defaults.