Changed glmnetcr function to include the default of exclude = NULL which had not been previously implemented.
Changed code to be compatible with R 4.0.0 class function returning a vector of length greater than 1 when the object is a matrix.
Added functionality of additional parameters from glmnet package to glmnetcr call.
Edited glmnetcr-package.Rd to ensure it would be in sync with the rest of the package.
Change syntax to remove the period from all relevant functions. The main modeling fitting function is now glmnetcr which yields an object of class glmnetcr.
Other functions are: nonzero.glmnetcr, select.glmnetcr, as well as the coef.glmnetcr, fitted.glmnetcr, plot.glmnetcr, predict.glmnetcr, print.glmnetcr.
glmnetcr function now handles weights.
Housekeeping: Cleaned up the DESCRIPTION, NAMESPACE, and URLs in help files.